Networks Ministries accepts donations of clothing and household items to go in our free store. The Free Store helps struggling community members who struggle to get the basic items they need for day-to-day living. Our Free Store is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for those who are registered on our program. The free store works on a monthly point system and each household is given a point budget that can be used to purchase items at no financial cost to them.
Saturday we open up our store to the rest of the community as a fundraising sale called "Thrifty Saturday". The general public can come into the store and shop for items just like a thrift store. This helps financially support the programs that we offer to those we serve.
The Saturday Sale runs from 9 am-2 pm every Saturday. We accept cash, debit, and credit.
Please note: Because of staffing shortages, Thrifty Saturdays are temporarily only held on the first and third Saturday of the month from 9 a.m- 2 pm.
Networks Ministries is also host to an online Facebook Store. This is where we auction off unique items that have been donated and the proceeds are used to help fund our "helping programs". Networks Ministries reserves the right to sell items to help support these programs.
We encourage businesses to donate items that they are not able to sell to this initiative. These could be items in open packages that have been returned and cannot be resold.
The Thrifty Saturday Sales, helps in a few ways.
- Many people who utilize this sale are those who can afford to pay a little but not a lot. This could include single working parents who cannot afford the full price of new items. We try to keep our prices low even though we are charging some money. You will find our prices are lower than other local second-hand stores. This is because our focus is on helping our community to live affordably especially in these times when other prices are higher that normal.
- It is environmentally responsible! At times we get more than can be distributed during the week. We do not like filling up the landfill! By selling items on Saturday Sales we save taking it to the landfill. This of course is a cost to us and takes away from the many programs that we offer.This is a loose, loose!
- Thrifty Saturday sales generate income for Networks! Our building is expensive to run and every dollar counts! The additional money raised from the sales are undesignated and can be be used where it is needed most!
** Please note, if it doesn't go for points during the week and it doesn't sell, Clothesline picks it up and pays us for each bag they take. Again this helps support our programs and keeps it out of the landfill.**
Thank you for your support of our programs.